Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ZERO days to departure

This one goes out to Helen.

Now that the hair cut is out of the way...
Were driving to the Portland airport right now, and it's 6:20 am. We left right after I stuffed all of my bits (my home for the summer) into a large red duffle, and now it's only two days till the walk actually starts.

I want to thank all of my friends, for coming to say goodbye, whether or not it was to actually see me or for the food and beer (Seth). And also Jessica and my parents, for being so supportive, and taking care of my little dog, and all of the things you will do for me from mission control. I could not have this privilege without you guys. It means very much to me.

I would love to get encouraging emails from everyone, I should be able to recive them at least once a week. Although I may not be able to reply always, it would be nice to hear from you. I also love cookies in gift packages.....I will let you know where to send them if you like. is my email.

Thanks again everyone! More from the trail soon.

Just one more for the puppies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your golden locks are gone! You kind of remind me of you at 16 again which is appropriate since you were heading out on your big adventure to Africa at that time. Good luck on the trail. I am sure you will have an amazing time.
